Showing posts with label Tutorial "How To Do". Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial "How To Do". Show all posts

Friday, 25 November 2016

How To Change your System Ip in less then 1 minute

In my previous post i had show you how to Grab someone ip address now i will show you how to change ip address in less then a minute. For now it will take 2 to 3 minutes but with some practice you can do this within a minute.
Click on "Start" in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Click on "RUN" Type in "command" and
click OK
You should be now at MSDOS prompt Screen Type "ipconfig /release"
just like that, and press "Enter"
Type "exit"
and leave the prompt Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places"
on your desktop. Click on "properties"
Now you should be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something similar to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" Double-click on the " Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab Click on "Use the following IP address" under the " General" tab Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is)
Press "Tab"
and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers.
Press the "Ok"
button here Hit the "Ok"
button again Now you should be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings This time, select " Obtain an IP address automatically" Click on "Ok" Hit "Ok" again.
Now you have a New IP address.
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this Tutorial will gonna Be straight forward, because its not something hard or that takes time, Not wasting your time,
goto google webmaster tool

- Click on Add Site and apply your site/ blog there.
- Now click on the "Alternate Method" and click on the check-box which pointed to"Html tag" and copy the tag.

- Copy the tag to your blog/site, for blogger admins goto your dashboard >> Template >>> Edit HTML, then sear for for <Head> using control f (ctrl+F) in your keyboard, then paste the head tag code after <head>


1. Go to Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools), sign into your Google account and click the red button to add your website.

Once you’ve clicked the button to add your site, just type your website’s URL in the box. Click the blue button to continue.


Get the code.You will want to use the HTML tag under the Alternative Method. Only copy the code that is in the parenthesis after content, as next popup page. with highlight code.

3.  Copy the tag to your blog/site, for blogger admins goto your dashboard >> Template >>> Edit HTML, then sear for for <Head> using control f (ctrl+F) in your keyboard, then paste the head tag code after <head>

then save your template then visit back to your webmaster page....

- Go back to your Webmaster tool page and click on VERIFY. - Click on the "Sitemaps" Tab and click on the "Add/Test Sitemap". - Now you need to fill the "Text-box" With"sitemap.xml" and click on "Submit" . Done!

A page showing successfull site verification successfull.

Congratulations! You’ve connected your website to Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools)! Now that you’ve verified and connected your website, 

Pls if you don't know/ understand what this means pls there's no need cause automatically your site/blog is been added to google. This is just more like the index of your site/blog been added and a little traffic. And also kindly drop your comment if you have any questions.
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How To Hack Window 7 Password Using Ophcrack

In this tutorial Iwill teach you to hack Window 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So let get started.
Opcrack is an open source windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It comes with Graphical user interface(GUI) and runs on multiple platform such windows, linux and mac. It allows you to recover or hack windows password.


Before you start doing this you will need a blank CD or DVD to burn the live image of ophcrack.
1. Download Opcrack Live Cd
2. Download windows xp or windows 7 live cd depending on platform you are wishing to hack. For example: Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD. Windows XP: Click on ophcrack XP LiveCD.
2. Now burn the live image on to the cd.
3. Insert the disc into drive and restart you computer.
4. After you see screen like above wait for ophcrack to boot automatically or you may press Enter to advance.
5. Now you will see several lines of code printed on screen or they might disappear very quickly (you dont need to worry about that).
6. Then you will see screen like below it is ophcrack password recovering software. At the Ophcrack screen it shows the Administrator and Guest account. Notice the word “empty”. This means that if the account is enabled you could log in without a password.
7. Ophcrack WILL NOT CRACK THE PASSWORD because the hash table which it needs is not available for free. But it does show the NTLM hash.
8. Copy this hash value which is under NT Hash field.
10. Navigate to which is an online hash cracking tool.
11. Type in the hash value you copied down in Step 8, Enter the captche and click on Crack Hashes
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Monday, 21 November 2016

How To Apply For Adsense with Your Wapka Site And get Aproved

Many people have urged me to write this tutorial, and I'm gonna do just that. Google Adsense is no doubt the Best alternative to any webmaster, because of the encouraging payout to publishers. But its approval has gotten very strict throughout the years and it's really hard to get approved and also easy if you are ready to sacrifice and work hard to meet all their requirement. You will make 10x what other ad networks are paying you and you will also smile to the bank " />. Although through my experience I started to feel like a loser when they sent me a disapproval mail.. Lol! But Mama Google knows what they want and they brought out the best in me and I started writing stuffs myself instead of copying from other sources, but people still copy my contents anyway..... Well am not surprised, as a webmaster into the blogging world who only knew how to code, what could I do? I used to copy but I was ignorant though I had a real talent of writing I never knew It will hurt the person that I'm copying and google will be mad at me and won't approve... Well Google brought out the best in me, and now, I'm a talented blogger who writes his own contents... As this Tutorial Continues, You will also see why copying peoples content without permission is very bad, and google has taken a huge step to fight copyright infringement. I remember when I was working hard for adsense approval, I will write my contents and other people (with names I can't mention in this forum) will steal my contents and start monetizing with it, I felt very bad, because I sat down and used my brain to write all those cool stuffs.... Some of the examples are “How to create a Cool Wapka Site with Mobile and Pc view” if you google search that keyword you'll see some sites with the same exact content. Though they change some words... Adsense hates all of this. And it will only reduce and ridicule your website. Do you wanna earn from adsense? If yes, don't fall under the category of copyright infringements, and don't give up! Remain Strong! " /> Without further Ado, let the tutorial begin. This Tutorial is Written for Users with sites Built on the Wapka Platform. But it can help anybody so read on....
Do you have a Custom Domain?
Hey, this is very important, they are tons of sites on the internet applying for google adsense and google wants the best not just some sub domain or Wap- ka.Com so you have to buy a custom domain, I Advice you to go for a .Com domain rather than .Net or .Org, this would increase your chances of getting approved... Its clearly stated in their Policies that you must have a custom domain. So don't try or even think of using a .tk .ml or .ga domain because you won't get approved. This is an Example of what will be sent to your mail: You were not approved for the Violation(s) listed below: Issues: Violations Of Adsense Policies So to avoid getting disapproved this way, be sure to follow their terms and conditions by reading and following their adsense policies and by buying a .com domain. Having a .com domain will be an advantage for easy approval, you may go for a .Net domain but it doesn't sound professional like having a .Com domain, and I've seen that adsense are fast to approve .Com so give it a try.
Do You Have A Pc view (Desktop Version) of Your Site?
This is not really necessary but you'll have to have enough juice you know... If your website is responsive it'll give you a green light you can check this thread on how to create a cool wapka site with mobile and Pc view:
As you know, Wapka, doesn't support PHP scripting, so there's no way you can display adsense ads for mobile content for users with Opera mini to see, so you'll have to create a desktop version of your site, you can refer to any webmaster here in Naijazoom and they will help you to do that at a really cheap price. Then when you're done, you can move to the next step. Choose Your Niche Some of you do not know what "Niche" means, well you're gonna know now, A Niche is simply defined as the type of category you choose to create contents for your site, it could be Entertainment, News, Tech, Tutorials etc is a Forum and the Niche is General, but I'll advice you, when applying for google adsense for your wapka site, choose a specific Niche and write contents about that Niche. Do not Write Highly s*xual contents, or Contents related to weapon, fighting, drug abuse or any contents that promotes violence. Google will not approve your site if you have such contents and they may even blacklist your site from search engine if you promote violence or Blasphemy. You can also censor some type of words by using the Wapka Spam filter this is done by going to global settings>Forum>Spam Blacklist. You can edit and replace words like fu*k, ss, pu*y, p*nis etc what I'm simply saying is, your site must not have parental guidance like we see in movies, Google will throw your application letter in the toilet just joking
Contents Oh yes! Your contents must be sufficient! Content with words less than 2,000 words will not be approved! Google adsense is a contextual advertising network and they need rich contents i.e contents with enough information. You need to have 20 - 30 unique article posts. just like someone told me in Google adsense forum: “Of what use is it to advertisers, to advertise on sites with contents that can be found elsewhere? You'll need to use contents you wrote with your own brain, pictures you snapped with your own camera etc because google will be loosing a whole lot of money by allowing you run ads on your site that is violating the rules with copyright infringement” So having quality contents will improve your chances of approval, I've seen some sites get approved with just 10posts that is to say, a single post is like a pdf document! So don't think google hates you if you get a disapproval mail, they made me better so they are only trying to make you a better webmaster/blogger. Having Copyrighted Materials? " /> You have to write tutorials and contents yourself, if you can't then hire someone to do that for you. Also, if you have Music, Videos or Pictures in your site(s) that are not created by you, remove them, as this may narrow your chances of getting approved, also delete all copied item you copied from other sites... You can't trick google no matter how smart you are, google needs enough unique contextual contents from your pages and they know the original copyright holder of that material. To be a Copyright holder and google friend write your own contents and you'll enjoy easy approval the logic is, “Post contents that are not available on other sites or that are not written by you”! Because in some countries like the US copyright infringement is punishable by law. Nothing good comes easy you have to learn that.....
Provide A Clear Navigation And A Privacy Policy Page:
Although some people say that google approved them without having a Privacy Policy Page well, maybe their sites are just very perfect for adsense, but I tell you a good privacy policy page and contact page will improve your chances for having a fully approved adsense account an e.g of a privacy policy page: Privacy Policy. also having a contact page is very important. Provide a Clear Navigation System for your Users, make pages in your site user friendly by improving the UI (user interface) design of your site, make your pages faster to load, do not over design your site, I've seen sites with heavy and powerful designs get disapproved because they fail to point out the simplest of things, so keep your site design simple and clean. Then once you've followed all my steps resubmit your application and wait for approval mail, if they say insufficient content don't bother, add 10 more lengthy contents and re-apply. When you finally get approved with your wapka site drop your testimonies here and how you got approved or else we will call google to disapprove you again.....
you're scared.......?
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