Showing posts with label Christian Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Religion. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Elements of Strong Small Groups or Union (Church)

Not many people take a Sunday drive anymore. In fact, I'm not sure if anyone ever really took a Sunday drive. But as a child my father would refer to slow, clueless drivers as Sunday drivers. Sure, they were in a car, heading toward a destination, but they didn't have a clue what the destination was. They were just lollygagging down the road.

A lot of small Groups or Union (Church) are like Sunday drivers. They might enjoy the journey, but they don't know where they're heading and don't have much motivation to get to their destination in a timely fashion. In an effort to make space for all those Sunday driver small-Groups or Union (Church) leaders, we're willing to call just about anything a small Groups or Union (Church). It doesn't matter if it's big or small, long-term or short-term, purposeful or purposeless—you can call anything a small Groups or Union (Church).
What a Small Groups or Union (Church) Is Not
However, if you want a vibrant, healthy small Groups or Union (Church)you have to be intentional. You have to put some effort into it. You have to know where you're heading and have a plan on how to get there. And, at the most basic level, you have to know what a vibrant small Groups or Union (Church) truly is. I like to start by examining what a vibrant small Groups or Union (Church) is not.

Intense Bible Study or Class
If a group simply becomes an information dump or an academic pursuit you will quickly lose the point (and probably lose your members). I loved college. I am one of those weird people who enjoy a good lecture, a challenging book, and writing papers. But when I think back on what I loved most about college, it's people. It's the relationships that stand out 20 years later. If the small-group experience becomes an intense learning space where members are pupils and leaders are lecturers, you will miss the whole idea of community and family that the New Testament writers paint in vivid detail. Certainly the Bible should be part of the group—but if you develop Bible scholars who know the Word and don't live it, you've simply re-created the very Pharisees and Sadducees that plagued Jesus' ministry.

Social Club
Other small groups swing to the opposite extreme from the intense Bible study. In fact, they are all process and no product. They are so relationally focused they don't accomplish much. They enjoy a good meal together, swap stories, and play games. Sure, it's fun to be part of the social club, but who has the time? In our over-stressed, over-scheduled world most people shed unnecessary responsibilities. And the social club will be the first to go. A good group challenges its members to grow to be like Christ, but the social club doesn't concern itself with that—which is a key reason it's not a healthy small group.

A Groups or Union (Church) of 12
I'm not sure when it happened but at some point in the last few decades the official number of small-Groups or Union (Church) membership became 12. Perhaps it's because of the popularity of the number 12 in the Bible (12 tribes, 12 disciples …). If Jesus' team had 12, the reasoning goes, so should ours. Of course, Jesus' team had 13 since he was part of his own team, but that's a technicality. The truth is that you can have a vibrant small Groups or Union (Church) with 3 or 30—it just depends on how you handle discussion time. So don't get hung up on the total Groups or Union (Church) number.

I'm a huge fan of small Groups or Union (Church) meeting in homes. I think it follows the example we see in the New Testament. It's a comfortable place for most people to relax. It reinforces the number one metaphor of the church in the Bible: the family. That said, the Bible does not insist that Groups or Union (Church) meet in homes. In fact, the Bible clearly teaches that the setting doesn't matter as much as the heart of the people. Homes, classrooms, conference rooms, and coffee shops are all acceptable places to gather.

A Weekly Meeting
Every men's Groups or Union (Church) I lead meets weekly. Other than a few weeks off for holidays or vacations, my Groups or Union (Church) meets. Our relationships run deep, and our commitment is clear. My community Groups or Union (Church), though, is a different story. We'll meet every week for a month, shift to every other week for a while, or take a few weeks off if necessary. We schedule our gathering around our work, kids, and vacations. Certainly a Groups or Union (Church) that meets infrequently risks losing its identity quickly. We have to work hard to keep up relationships. But we believe that the meeting frequency shouldn't feel like an obligation or chore. At the same time, it shouldn't it feel like a capricious, thrown-together meeting designed around the convenience of the Groups or Union (Church) members.

Three Patterns of Vibrant Groups or Union (Church)
So what are the core pieces of a healthy Groups or Union (Church)? In my years of experience leading Groups or Union (Church) and leading small-Groups or Union (Church) ministries, I have identified three core patterns of healthy groups. You can add to this list, but you can't reduce it without harming the group. The three patterns are connecting, changing, and cultivating. You will notice that all three of these words are verbs—simply put, they involve action. They don't describe community; they are the actions of a vibrant community.

Connecting Groups or Union (Church) together
The first pattern of a healthy Groups or Union (Church) is the relational pattern. You have to build a relational bridge strong enough to hold the weight of truth. Imagine in your first Groups or Union (Church)meeting the leader reads James 1 and asks each new member to share a trial or temptation they are facing. How would you reply? Would you be 100 percent honest and transparent? I doubt it. If you are like me you might say, "Well, I'm tempted to be too generous. And sometimes I have a short fuse." However, if you know the people in your Groups or Union (Church) and you are comfortable with them, you will likely feel safe enough to share what is really going on in your life.

If you don't build the relationships within the Groups or Union (Church) you won't have a group for long. A few years ago, Gallup conducted research on church health. One of the important factors that contributed to enthusiasm for church was friendship. If you have no friends at church you will likely wander away. If you do have friends—people who call you when you're absent, ask how you are doing spiritually, and encourage you—you will likely have a strong commitment to your church. Likewise, you will have a strong commitment to your small group.

Simple things you can do to develop the connecting pattern in your group:
Start each meeting with an icebreaker.
Plan out group meetings at least a month or two in advance so everyone knows when to meet.
Deal with negative group dynamics (like the person who dominates the conversation in the group).
Call and e-mail people who miss a meeting.

The second key pattern of a healthy Groups or Union (Church) is the growth pattern. Some call it edification or sanctification or metamorphoses. Simply put, it's change! A Strong Groups or Union (Church) helps you change into the person God intends you to be.

In his book Change or Die, Alan Deutschman discovered some clues to how people change. His big secret was community! If you want to change you need the right kind of relationships that reinforce the right kind of behavior. This is confirmed by life.

Through much of my middle and high school years I was a champion cusser. I think I received my freshmen letter in creative swearing. It was the '80s, after all, and the era of Eddie Murphy stand-up routines and Beverly Hills Cop movies. But the biggest influence was my friends. Most of my friends played on the varsity swearing team, too.

In the summer of 1988, I attended a Youth for Christ conference and was challenged to turn over my life to Christ. In the next few months, I fell into a new crowd—one that told me I really didn't need to swear in order to impress them. In fact, most of my new friends rarely swore. And before too long, my vocabulary improved.

Hearing truth is one part of change. But a community that challenges you and reinforces that change really matters. As Deutshman said in his book, it's hard to eat a salad if all your friends are gorging on wings!

Simple things you can do to develop the changing pattern in your Groups or Union (Church):
Study the Bible for application. Answer the question, "So what do we do with this?"

Invite each member to share areas they are trying to improve and offer accountability.Create a judgment-free zone where members can share what's going on without feeling judged by the Groups or Union (Church) (or feeling like a special project).
Keep the focus on Jesus Christ who gives us the strength to change.

The third key pattern of a vibrant group is the missional pattern. The other two patterns are very exclusive. They focus on the group and the individuals within the group. This pattern is inclusive and focused on others. You might call it service, outreach, mission, or evangelism. I use a farm metaphor. As you cultivate hearts for other people you are turning up the soil in your life (and hopefully in others).

Have you ever noticed that a healthy family reaches out? My wife and I have been blessed with three wonderful children. I love family time around the table. My wife and kids are my favorite people to watch movies with, eat dinner with, and vacation with. I love my family.

In a decade or so, all three of my kids will (hopefully) move out. They'll start careers, get married, or start families of their own. Then my dinner table will just need two chairs. But that is exactly how it should be. If you look at my family right now, you'll notice my beautiful wife and darling kids. But if all three of my children still live with Karyn and me in two decades, you'll think there's something wrong with our family. Family movie night that involves snuggling with my 39-year-old daughter while her 36-year-old sister grooms a doll's hair, and my 32-year-old son plays his Nintendo DS is disturbing! Right now it's cute; 25 years from now, it's gross!

A small Groups or Union (Church) that is only focused on keeping the band together will actually ruin the very thing they are attempting to protect. If you want to have a healthy, vibrant Groups or Union (Church), you need to have a mission beyond caring for the people in your family room.

Simple things you can do to develop the cultivating pattern in your Groups or Union (Church):
Study evangelism and spiritual gifts in the Groups or Union (Church) with the purpose of practicing what you learn.
Have each person identify at least two non-Christians they are praying for (and ask for a progress report every couple months).
Adopt a needy part of the world, and learn as much as you can. Pray for the country (or countries) and perhaps support a mission there.
Serve at least quarterly as a Groups or Union (Church) or encourage every Groups or Union (Church) member to serve regularly.
Wrap Up

Starting a group is easy, but developing a healthy, vibrant group takes effort and intentionality. Guide your group to become a group that is connecting, changing, and cultivating. As you focus on these big patterns of vibrant small groups, the other aspects of small groups will fall into place.


How can you keep small Groups or Union (Church) from falling into the categories under "What Small Groups or Union (Church) Are Not"?
Which pattern is most prevalent in your small Groups or Union (Church)? How can you help Groups or Union (Church)value the other two?
What tools can you use to communicate these patterns to Groups or Union (Church) leaders and coaches?
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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Spiritual and Physical Reason Why many Pastors complain and get tired of Doing the Gods work in Churches Today

Spiritual and Physical Reason Why many Pastors complain and get tired of Doing the Gods work in Churches Today

Many pastors wouldn’t attend their own church if they weren’t the pastor.

How do I know? I’ve talked with a lot of them.
A lot of pastors aren’t happy with their church. But they might be if we changed just one thing – not about the church, but about our attitude towards it.

What if we took numbers off the table and looked at church health through a different lens?
What if we took numbers off the table and looked at church health through a different lens?

Instead, so many of us have been sold the idea that if the pastor isn’t on a relentless drive toward bigger numbers they must be lazy, stupid or settling for less – maybe all three.

For three or four decades we’ve had a model for church success that has been taught almost exclusively – the megachurch model.

Now don’t jump ahead of me here. I’m not against megachurches. And I’m definitely in favor of church growth.

But when was the last time you read a book on pastoring or went to a conference, convention or seminar on church leadership that didn’t have How to Get Your Church to Be Bigger as its primary agenda? Or one that talked about church health as the goal, not just as a means to increase attendance?

When growing Sunday morning crowds is virtually the only criterion used to measure ministry success, what does that do to the heart of the average pastor whose church just won’t grow no matter how hard they pray, study and work?

And what about the pastor whose calling and gifting is suited to a smaller crowd of people?
Beyond Church Attendance Numbers

What if we stopped using the numerical growth of individual congregations as the primary – often the only – measure of church health? How many pastors would still say “my church stinks” then?

There would still be some lousy churches, of course (I know – I’ve visited some of them. Yikes!), but I’m guessing there would be far fewer miserable pastors in otherwise healthy churches.

What if church size wasn't the primary – often the only – measure of church health? How many pastors would still say “my church stinks" then?

Sometimes it’s because the church is unhealthy, dysfunctional, even toxic. But many times it’s because of something far less problematic.

The church is not as big, or isn’t growing as fast as the pastor, the members or the denomination thinks it should be.
The Skit that Struck Too Close to Home

A few years ago there was a short skit that was popular in a lot of churches. It opened on two people. A women, who’s dressed to go out, and a man who is still in his pajamas.

“You still aren’t ready for church?” the woman asks.

“I don’t want to go to church today!” the man cries as he stomps his foot like a little child on his first day of school.

“Why not?” she asks. “You’ve always liked it before.”

“Not always,” he whines. “Sometimes I hate it there.”

“Don’t say that,” she scolds. “What’s wrong with our church?”

“The services are too long, the music is boring, the sermon doesn’t apply to real life and the people aren’t very friendly,” he complains.

“That may be true,” the woman responds. “But you still have to go.”

“But why do I have to go!” he cries.

“Because you’re the pastor, that’s why.”

The crowd roars in laughter as the lights go out.

No one laughs louder than the real pastor in the front row. But underneath, many pastors who watched that skit were thinking, if they only knew.

That silly skit had more truth in it than many of us would like to admit.
Does Better Always Mean Bigger?
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Monday, 21 November 2016

Habits You Don't Realize Will Ruin Your Marriage

There we have been remaining before our new home, smiling with a splendid purple sold sign for a picture. The invigoration of venturing into a first class home had immediately overshadowed the strain of pressing 3 weeks sooner than Christmas. I couldn't see one component amiss with the living arrangement. 

however then we moved in. 

The sink began to spill. The roof fan and mellow wished reestablish. Unloading transformed into overpowering. The fantasy residential wound up requiring some elbow oil and diligent work. 

That resemble marriage, would it say it isn't? We move into marriage with a dynamic purple purchased sign - we've happily moved out of the old place of singleness to the fortification of wedded delight. Sovereign spellbinding and the Princess ride off into the twilight, however then get up one hundred mornings later, making sense of a couple elbow oil is expected to safeguard a wedding - now not just a living arrangement - going strong. 

A house left on its own falls into demolish throughout the decades thus does a marriage. crush is characterized as "the physical pulverization or crumbling of something or the nation of deteriorating or being wrecked." here are 5 conduct that may without issues inch in ignored, abating disintegrating the motivation of your most extreme urgent seeking:

1. Disrespect and an absence of affection turn out to be the norm. 

In Dr. Emerson Eggerich's digital book Love and regard, he composes that after a spouse feels disregarded, he tends to respond in methodologies that sense heartless to his better half. while that spouse feels disliked, she responds in ways that sense insolent to her better half. This "loopy cycle" is continuing forever, bringing about a relationship to crumple. spouses, don't anticipate your better half to act affectionately to you, bringing your blossoms or talking expressions of delicacy. give him unequivocal appreciate. Spouses, don't look for your significant other to uncover regard, convey her genuine love. bathe her with delicacy, paying little mind to how grumpy or infer she might be.
2. Down time equals display time. 

What amount of brilliant time do you go through every day alongside your accomplice? Sitting over a supper work area while each of you messaging does now not be checked. Being inside the family room together in the meantime as one individual checks electronic mail and some other character sits in front of the TV does not number. regardless of whether we're checking our cellphone, betting video computer games, or looking a motion picture, customary show screen time represents an extensive danger to noteworthy association in a wedding.

at the point when my significant other James and i were seeking 19 years prior, we should really invest hours sitting close all things considered at the lounge chair, talking and nestling. This transformed into sooner than kissing! I don't depend on you to invest hours cuddling up for your accomplice, however what around 15 mins of talk time on generally days? We don't experience any difficulty giving our phones or cases 15 minutes of full focus. allow's day of work that thoughtfulness regarding our life partner.

3. Children come first. 

i have two adolescents in basic school and one in focus school. after I'm an unfilled nester one day, I need to be close to my better half. I would prefer not to put in a quarter century concentrated on my youngsters, basing my whole global on them, essentially to gaze at an outsider (my life partner) after the children leave home. I don't think you require that both. 

kids appear to be needier so we can pour our quality - an unreasonable measure of power - into meeting their every need and need. however don't imagine it any other way. Having an infant focused on hover of relatives isn't wholesome on your kid, minimal one, kid or adolescent. The considerable present you could accommodate your youngsters is a stone solid, cherishing dating with your life partner. The Book of scriptures lets us know in Beginning 2:24 that a man leaves his dad and mom and is joined to his companion, and they get to be one substance. you are one together with your life partner, not alongside your children. In God's plan, your children are bound to leave you and make their own particular family units. Your accomplice is the adult you'll be with for the unwinding of your life, for wealthier and for poorer, in sickness and in wellbeing.

4. Laugh less, kiss less.

the greater part of the general population get hitched to a man they have diverting with. nobody you've met has snickered their approach to separation court. The clowning, prodding, being a tease, and grinning at each other can disappear in light of the fact that the years cross by. running troublesome, paying installments and having adolescents can quench sentiment and giggling in a surge. That is the reason it's vital to calendar fun wears and get to know one another with the goal that you hold making inside jokes and glad recollections. 

after I talked with sex advisors Dr. Bluff and Joyce Penner for my book 31 Days to a fulfilled Spouse, Joyce expressed, "If there has been one key to leave you with, it'd be to kiss energetically. It needs to do with 'i truly like you' and it feels so suitable - it will hold my pilot light on so i'm ready to get more developed to wind up on all the time. we like kissing." 

My mate jokes she's reluctant to kiss her better half enthusiastically consistently for stress he'll expect it's the pass sign. On the off chance that you may relate, make it clear to your life partner which you'd like additional kissing to be a part of the house change arrange. it'll bring about additional closeness, yet it gained't continually be the cross flag.

5. continually think of yourself first.  

in the event that you should be despondent, keep up asking yourself "What has my accomplice executed for me as of now?" We remain in a "me-first" world that has roused the house. It's common to act childishly. It's unnatural to carry on as a hireling. however the Book of scriptures doubtlessly lets us know that Jesus arrived now not to be served, however to serve. on the off chance that you need to devastate your marriage, reliably analyze circumstances by asking "is that this valid for me?" while you are campaigning for yourself in a wedding, no one wins. 

yet, in the event that rather you ask, "is this bravo?," you may act all the more liberally on your accomplice and that integrity will most likely boomerang back to you. while you make the choice to serve your accomplice and consider his or her goals as key as your own one of a kind, you spill out of being a casualty in your marriage to a victor. The sufferer says "I'm currently not being managed lovely." The victor says, "will out-serve you. God will favor me after I'm favoring you." 

What local upgrades will improve your marriage? nowadays' a to a great degree great day to begin out. With the help of the Blessed Soul, you may move up your sleeves and put some elbow oil into your marriage. As you strategy your marriage piously and with reason, you'll watch it redesign from flimsy to steady, top to remarkable. Being conscious of terrible propensities is the begin. Taking movement to swap out dreadful conduct for right ones is your next stride. Having a glad marriage is justified regardless of the endeavor.
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Ways to Guarantee Teens Leave the Church

Does your congregation like Teenagers? 
Most would answer a healthy and energetic, "obviously!" Why else would you say you are purchasing all that pizza, offering each one of those projects, and doing all that you can to instruct and look after your high schoolers? You need to keep them in chapel. 

However, prowling in numerous hearts is an alternate feeling, something houses of worship could never say so everyone can hear that stews noiseless and lethal underneath the surface: They really don't care for youngsters. 

Ways to Guarantee Teens Leave the Church Leave the Congregation 

For them, high schoolers are excessively untidy, excessively testy, excessively emotional, excessively diverting, excessively over the top, and excessively youthful. The issues, sins, and battles high schoolers manage are just excessively. These temples' biggest dread isn't losing their youngsters; it's keeping them. Where it counts they urgently need to know, "How would I get youngsters out of the congregation?" 

Luckily for those houses of worship, I have three beyond any doubt fire approaches to ensure youngsters leave – and don't return. 

1. Show them profound drain, not meat. 

If you want to push young people away, don’t go deep with them. Avoid theology. On the off chance that you need to push youngsters away, don't dive deep with them. Keep away from philosophy. Remain with the shallow, the feathery, and the recognizable. Show them the tale of David and Goliath—yet make the point about confronting our own monsters, rather than God working for His wonderfulness. Lecture moralism, greatness, and how to be a decent subject, with a Jesus turn. At that point, when life gets troublesome and they encounter trials, their shallow most profound sense of being will come up short them, and they will leave the congregation. 

Show them what to accept, yet not why they trust it. Let them know God exists, that he's in control of everything, that Jesus became alive once again, yet give them no establishment for those truths. Skirt Sacred text, dishearten questions and solid exchange, and magnify sentiments. At that point, when teenagers enter this present reality and experience difficulties to the gospel, their unstable confidence will disintegrate and they will leave the congregation. 

Whatever you do, don't show them about transgression. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you should, keep to the huge ones – kill, infidelity, amazing burglary auto. High schoolers' self-regard is delicate, so do whatever you can to save it. Abstain from discussing desire, cherishing their foes, demonstrating quietude via web-based networking media, unobtrusiveness, or other unstable high schooler subjects. At that point, when they're confronted with the enticement to be precisely similar to the world, they'll actually give in – and leave the congregation. 

2. Prepare them to treat church like purchasers. 

In the event that you need to ensure youngsters leave your congregation, make them narrow minded. Set them up for frustration and skepticism by making a congregation experience that air pockets them in solace and self-center. Show them that the congregation exists for their benefit, social life, each need and favor, and to settle their own issues. Move the consideration from God's grandness to theirs. Show love – yet not of God, of them. At that point, when they're defied with the truth that congregation is not eventually about them, they'll feel frustrated and will leave the congregation. 

Make the gospel "cool." Do whatever you need to do to make it significant to youngsters. Take into account culture's signals, and tailor your instructing to popular culture. Utilize shows, films, and music that are "in" at this moment to make your focuses. At that point, when high schoolers understand that Christianity, similar to their telephones and the Main 40, is only a passing craze, they will leave the congregation. 

Show them to expect livens and profits by Christianity, not enduring. Show them they'll be solid, well off, and carry on with an existence untouched by inconvenience or burden. Persuade the congregation is the same than their school or social clubs – that they ought to go for what they can receive in return. At that point, when it doesn't nourish their own plans, they'll leave the congregation. 

3. Isolate them from other age assembles however much as could be expected. 

Detaching youngsters from the more prominent group of the congregation is a work of art (and genuinely straightforward) strategy to push them away. All things considered, in the event that they never felt like part of the family, it's simple for them to clear out. Keep them in youth bunch, youth Sunday school, sit them together in the love administration, and after that give them some kind of class or club to join amid the sermon. Demoralize their assisting with the kids' service, prompt against serving senior grown-ups, and dislike partnership as a family. 

Try not to give them a chance to gain from other age bunches. Keep grown-ups' battles, stories, and fears far from young people. Make high schoolers feel as disengaged as could be expected under the circumstances. Try not to give them a chance to connect to the lives of the individuals who are unique in relation to them. Keep them far from the loyal holy people who will motivate them. At that point, when youngsters are allowed to encounter credible group elsewhere, they will leave the congregation. 

SEE Additionally: What Youth Pioneers Wish Guardians Knew 

Step by step instructions to Keep High schoolers in Chapel 

It's truly as simple as that. With only three basic methodologies, you can ensure high schoolers leave your congregation. In the event that they leave, your congregation won't be as chaotic. It won't be as insane, as surly, or as diverting. 

It additionally won't be as scriptural. 

Take away youngsters from your congregation, and take away its life and development. On the off chance that you need to see your group shrivel, solidify, and in the end kick the bucket, push adolescents away. 

Obviously, the inverse is valid also. In the event that you need your congregation to flourish and develop, welcome youngsters. Cherish them, despite their wreckage—and you may simply discover they aren't so untidy all things considered. Give them effortlessness. Devotee them. Become a close acquaintence with them. Ground them in Sacred writing, giving them an establishment for their confidence. Show them that congregation is about God's eminence. Impart in them an affection for humble love. Try not to bashful far from the hard substances of the gospel. Incorporate them into the multi-generational group of the congregation. Show them about wrongdoing and effortlessness and atonement. Also, demonstrate to them proper methodologies to take after Jesus as a magnanimous worker. 

At that point, adolescents won't simply remain in the congregation; they'll be the congregation. What's more, the congregation will be better for it.
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Thursday, 10 November 2016

The dog that goes to church everyday because he’s waiting for a miracle for his owner, [Touching Story]

This dog goes to church every day because he’s waiting for a miracle

A German Sheppard named Ciccio (different adaptations say his name is Tommy) was surrendered in a no man's land five years prior. Be that as it may, close there carried on a 57-years of age lady named Maria Margherita Lochi, a lady with a major heart. She found the pooch and chose to receive him. 

Ciccio's life definitely changed when he found a home loaded with affection and minding in the city of San Donaci, Italy. 

Maria Margherita was a creature partner and had embraced a few pooches and felines some time recently, however the relationship amongst her and Ciccio was exceptionally uncommon. 

Maria consistently went to the congregation of St. Mary of the Assumption, and the cleric permitted the passage of Ciccio, who constantly went with Maria and laid persistently at her feet until the time had come to about-face home. 

Unfortunately, Maria passed away in November of 2012. Ciccio took after the pine box of her adored proprietor when the group individuals conveyed it to the congregation, Ciccio situated by the pine box, close to the holy place's stairs. 

Since that day, each time the congregation chimes ring, Ciccio still goes to the congregation. 

Minister Donato Panna said: "He's there each time the mass begins and dependably carries on well. He doesn't make any clamor, and I've never heard him bark in the entire time he's been coming." 

Minister Donato likewise said that after Maria's memorial service, regardless he comes, holds up persistently and discreetly by the sacrificial table. "I can't toss him out". 

The entire town is accountable for Ciccio. Everyone deals with him and nourishes him, in spite of the fact that it would be better on the off chance that he could locate a changeless home where he could begin his life once more. 

A grief stricken canine whose proprietor kicked the bucket two months back is feeling the loss of her so much he is going to administrations at the Italian church where her memorial service was held persistently sitting tight for her to return. 

Steadfast Tommy, a seven-year-old German Shepherd, had a place with Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and had been her dependable sidekick after she received him when she discovered him relinquished in fields near her home. 

Mrs. Lochi received a few strays she found yet companions said she built up a specific close warmth for Tommy and would stroll to chapel with him from her home each day - where the cleric would permit him to sit calmly by her feet. 
Pining: Tommy the German Shepherd holds up steadfastly amid Mass at the congregation where his proprietor Maria Margherita Lochi's memorial service was held 

Pining: Tommy the German Shepherd holds up steadfastly amid Mass at the congregation where his proprietor Maria Margherita Lochi's memorial service was held 

Taking after her demise at San Donaci close Brindisi, a memorial service was held at which Tommy joined grievers and from that point forward he has been a standard at the congregation touching base on time when the chimes ring out to stamp the begin of administrations. 

See more photographs beneath;

Maria Margherita was an animal lover and had adopted several dogs and cats before, but the relationship between her and Ciccio was very special.

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Friday, 28 October 2016

Marks of a Man Who Knows the Lord

Severally, not once nor twice or even thrice, but I can say for sure that there are so many people who claims they know God but from the attributes they exhibit, you will gladly grade them 0% in terms of know the Lord. Most cases, people doubt if they really know God or they are just Hypocrites. But I tell you, below on this thread or the contents of this article, I will tell or perhaps bring to your notice the Marks of any man who claims He knows God.

Today, I want to show you some of the marks you can see in your life of a man that will help you to discern if he knows the lord or not. Our knowledge of the lord is progressive. We will know him better. Nobody knows everything about him at once.
Talking about Man here, consists of both gender (both male and female inclusively). Normally, the bible translates both gender as Male and man probably. So when you see the word “MAN”; it means the both gender.

The following are some of the marks of any man who claims he know the Lord.


This is where our knowledge of the Lord starts from. If you ever see or meet any man who claims that he is child or servant of God and you cannot see the fruits or perhaps evidences of salvation in His life, such a person simply does not know the Lord.


A man who knows the lord will be a doer of God’s word. He may not know the whole Bible but the little he knows, he will do. That a man knows the bible does not mean he knows the lord. But you have never seen a man that knows the lord and will not know the bible eventually [James 1:22-25]


Don’t forget Daniel 11:32, “They that know their God shall be strong and do exploits”. However good at this is, it is not good yardstick. This is because the power of God can still be in a life when God Himself is no longer there e.g. Samson.


To know God’s ways is to know His principles and patterns. God’s method are not always the same but His principles are the same everywhere (Exodus 33:12-17).

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Ways On How To Invite A Friend To Your Church

Ways On How To Invite A Friend To Your Church

This thread might seem to be contradictory or perhaps very difficult to fathom. Inviting your friend to your church doesn’t seem to be easy and most times wouldn’t be possible too. In several churches today, there are different kinds of personalities in them (member); there are some persons we call fervent (Very serious believers) and the other, normal or average members (Church goers).

ALSO READ: Ways and Methods You Can Repent and Come To Christ To be Save

Convincing a church goer to come to your is very simple and easy to get it done. This doesn’t require much work or talk or perhaps conviction. Whereas these people I call the fervent members are very difficult to convince and get them down to your church.

Now, on this content, I am gona teach you how to invite the both types to your church without stressing out yourself or even forcing them to do so. But rather, I will teach you not specified on one terms only, but will on several ways to do it legally and normal.

Also, church services help bring together people of a shared faith for worship as well as community-building activities. Some people invite friends and family members who are either practicing Christians from another church or Christians who have lapsed in their church attendance altogether. Others invite non-Christians to church in the hope that those invited might enjoy the experience and become practicing Christians.

Whomever you reach out to, it's important to be respectful and kind when you invite someone to join you at your church.
Here below are the means or ways on how to invite a friend to your church;

Things That Cause The Down Fall Of A Man Spiritually And Physically


The first step to inviting someone to your church is to identify individuals who would be open to attending services but do not currently go. This will most likely be someone you know who is a practicing Christian who attends services at another church, or someone who still identifies as a Christian but has stopped attending services. The easiest people to approach with an invitation will probably be: family members, friends, co-workers or classmates and your neighbours.


Before you actually approach someone about attending church, you may want to consider when would be an ideal occasion. Having a firm date in mind will make it easier to invite someone. Instead of a general open invitation, you can name a specific date and ask if that person is free to join you.

Many non-churchgoers prefer to attend church services on a Sunday morning. Weekdays (weekly activity) may be difficult, whereas Sundays are often a leisure day for most people who work Monday through Friday.

Printing an invitation will make your invitation look very concrete and tactile reminder to the program you are inviting them. This should come alongside with the relevant information like the date & time for the programme.


You can’t possibly get them to your church without reminding them regularly. And this in particular will be done through keeping in touch with them possibly by calling them, visiting them, texting them and lots more method. This will seriously help in achieving your goal.
Most times, with our lifestyle, we don’t necessarily need to invite them officially but rather with our lifestyle; people would want to come to your church. When we live a positive life, people will thirst and hunger to know the church you attend and would also want to attend also.
If you're inviting a non-Christian to church, it may be difficult to immediately win that individual over. She may have preconceived notions of what church is supposed to be like (which may be unappealing to her), or she may simply have no initial desire to be a part of a faith group. For this reason, it may be easier to invite a non-churchgoer incrementally by first inviting her to social functions and working your way up to mass.

Try socializing with the individual a little. Invite her to coffee or lunch, and show a sincere interest in whatever is going on in that person's life. Invite the individual to a church function. If your church has a donation drive, ask if she'd like to be a part of the effort. You might also try inviting the individual to a potluck dinner or a bingo event.

Work your way towards inviting the individual to an actual church service. Try using some special occasion for your invitation, like a holiday service, a mass with a children's choir, or a mass with some type of special music (like a folk choir). This can be a good icebreaker for attending church, as it shows the individual something fun and engaging while also welcoming that individual into the community.

Remember to respect the individual's choice. If she does not want to go, or if she goes and does not like church, that's okay. You can take comfort in the fact that you extended an invitation to a non-churchgoer, and you've been a good ambassador for your faith. Just be sure to continue to show that individual respect.

Anyone can be invited to church, but some people are easier to reach out to than others. The people closest to you are probably aware of your faith, and may even be curious about it. For this reason, you may want to think carefully about which people in your life are most likely to be open to attending church.

Family members are the most likely to know about your faith, and may have questions or a sincere desire to share in your weekly worship. Close friends are another good branching out point. You most likely have a close bond of intimacy and trust that can help you invite these individuals to share in your faith.
Neighbours may be ideal people to approach.
These individuals know and trust you. They also live in close proximity to you, which means they probably live in close proximity to your place of worship.
Co-workers and classmates are a big jump from family, friends, and neighbours. These individuals may not know you very well, which means you may have to work harder to gain their trust and recognize their needs for faith or community.

Strangers will be very difficult to invite to church. These individuals do not know you or have any kind of relationship with you. You may assume someone you meet is in need of faith or a spiritual community, but it can be hard to appeal to that person's needs if they don't already know you on some level.
This will I say, is the best way to bring people down to your church without stressing yourself. It is very good for every believer to move out for evangelism because its’ an avenue to reach out to souls and to win souls for Christ. Although, they might not necessarily come to your church; but what really matters here is that you have converted them to a particular church. Try moving out for evangelism and see how it works.

Having read this thread, I hope you’d realise the ways on how to invite people to your church. Was this article helpful? If yes, i would love to see your feedback through the comment box.

Commenting on this thread will really be appreciated too. Thanks.
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Friday, 23 September 2016

Things That Cause The Down Fall Of A Man Spiritually And Physically


 The downfall of a man is not the end of a man, every great man has a several down fall,………. (“Being great is by overcoming several downfall and failure” –Prince Tubolayefa (2016)

The way to success is not easy at tall although we strive to be great but indeed so are so many things that bring a man down. It is not falling/failing that matters but your next step after your failure that really matters.


1 Kings 11:9, 10
And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared to him twice,…

The fall of Solomon has appeared to some commentators incredible. As to the fact itself, however, there can be no doubt. Nor is his fall so exceptional as many suppose. Others beside this king have had pious parentage, a religious education, a promising youth, extraordinary intellectual endowments, frequent warnings of their danger, and yet have failed and come short of the glory of God. Give examples. It is noteworthy that God saw Solomon's danger and warned him of it on the evening of that day upon which his religious devotion appeared most intense. The dedication of the temple was at once the zenith of the nation's glory, and of their king's highest attainments. Describe the Feast of Dedication; the song of the people - "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, etc.;" the prayer of Solomon that this might be so; and the manifestation of the Divine Presence. Contrast this scene with the silence of the following night, in which the message of the Lord came, bidding him beware lest the emotion and resolve of the day should be evanescent (1 Kings 9:2). Our times of religious excitement are not our safest hours. Enthusiasm has its perils as well as its powers. Refer to Peter's eager protestation, and the Lord's word of caution, "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have," etc. (
Luke 22:31).




His base self indulgence grew upon him, as it does on any man. The life he lived was degrading to his manhood. Love became debased to lust, because it was divorced from purity. Physically, as well as morally, he became a wreck, and though not 60 years of age when he died, he was already weary, broken, and old (ver. 4). Some light may be thrown upon his downward progress by the books which bear his name, and which, if not written by him, were declarations of the experience he knew. If the Song of Solomon represents his bright youth, when love, though passionate, was undefiled, the book of Ecclesiastes is the outcry of his age, when all seemed "vanity and vexation of spirit," and when he tried once more painfully to lay the old foundation of the shattered fabric of his life (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Compare him with Samson; show how the indulgence of passion destroys kingliness. Even such sin was not beyond pardon. It would have been well for Solomon had he returned to God, as his father had done (see Psalm 51.) 


(ver. 2). The Israelites were often warned against marriage with the heathen. At times ordinary international intercourse was forbidden. Instances are given in which disobedience to this law of severance brought terrible effects. Some companionship is essential to man. The hermit must be a very imperfect Christian. John the Baptist was in the wilderness, but Christ, whom we follow, was ever found in the haunts and homes of men. Yet under the new dispensation the wise choice of companionship is insisted on, and provided for. The twelve apostles were associated together, as well as separated from others; and in their work they went forth by two and two. The Apostolic Church presents a beautiful picture of fellowship (Acts 2.) It is amongst the wise hearted and devout that we are to find our friends. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." The importance of this to the young, whose characters are not yet formed. Hence responsibility rests on parents, who can encourage or hinder acquaintances, and on young people themselves. He must have something of Christ's wisdom and strength, and must be animated by His motives, who, like Him, would be safe and useful amongst "the publicans and sinners." 


The wealth of Solomon was enormous. The treasure saved for him by David seemed inexhaustible, and the tribute from other peoples (1 Kings 10:25), the monopolies granted by the king (1 Kings 10:28, 29), the importation of gold from Ophir (1 Kings 9:28), etc., brought immense revenues. The king was proportionately extravagant. See the account given of his palaces, his gardens, and his retinue. No country could long bear such a strain. Increased taxation was necessary, and this was one of the causes of the break up of the kingdom under Rehoboam. Show in modern life thetemptations to extravagance and ostentation; the injury caused by these sins to a nation; the moral perils to which the extravagant are exposed; the diminution of help to God's cause and to God's poor. 


He appears to have copied the Pharaohs not only in magnificence, but in disregard for human suffering. The Canaanites were reduced to the position of helots; multitudes were torn from their homes to fell timber in the forests, or hew stone in the quarries. Even the Israelites had to do forced labour. Kings have responsibility to their people, as well as the people to their kings. God's laws were violated by Solomon (Exodus 22:21; Exodus 23:9). Show from history the Nemesis of oppression. Indicate manifestations of the spirit of tyranny in business, in homes, schools, etc. 


Solomon erected temples to Ashtoreth, Milcom, and Chemosh. Describe the idolatries specified. All idolatry, sternly forbidden. The cultus of these deities hideously cruel, dark, impure. Heathenism degrades man and dis-honours God. Show the steps which led Solomon to the commission of such egregious sin.


He was broad in his views, far advanced from the traditional knowledge of the age, and often conversed with wise men of other creeds. Slowly he lost his sense of the pre-eminence of the truth revealed to him. He saw what was true in other systems, but meantime lost his horror at what was false in them. This one of the special perils of our age; point it out. 

He wished all that was connected with him to reflect his own magnificence. It was not enough that his wives and concubines should be at liberty to worship their idols; they must do it splendidly, if at all, for his glory was concerned in their acts. 

He would please and attract surrounding nations. This partly for commercial ends, chiefly for personal glory. Base motives lead to fake policy, and false policy prepares for national ruin.





 Our environment really matters on our way to success, it either affect you negatively or positively. About 70% of men whose future are JEOPARDIZED are as a result of the Environment they find themselves. Bad environment definitely affects our life negatively so be careful of the environment you are into.



Eve was deceived by the serpent about the nature of God and the results of the sin. God was basically called a liar by Satan because he said that God didn't want them to eat of the tree because they would be like Him (Gen 3:5).

Discoveries have shown that women are still a great factor that brings a man down. Talking about so many great men failures were as a result of the kind of women they were it. Take for an instance, you earn 20,000 as a worker and have a partner who don’t even want to know what you are passing through, all she knows is that u must take care of her financially, you see you ambitions won’t be achieved because you belly make use of your money for yourself. So if u won’t to grow big AVOID WOMEN, if u can’t fly from they run, if you can’t run walk, if you can’t walk away from them, but no matter what, flee or avoid them because they will ruin your future............
Once satan broke the trust that Eve had for God (she now believed that God had deceived her), it allowed her to disobey. So the broken trust she had for God started the process. However, it was the disobedience that finished it.
Had she for instance waited till God came back to the garden and asked a few questions like "who is this serpent" she would have found out the truth and as long as she (and Adam) didn't disobey she would've been fine.
I'd say her problem was she didn't have enough faith and patience to wait for God's answer, she also started to desire the fruit, which obviously also clouded her judgement, so just plain old temptation in effect there.
When you combine lack of faith and temptation, you will most likely get disobedience and sin as a result.
I am not sure about any denominational variances.
1 Timothy 2:14 (NIV) And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
According to this verse, it suggests that Eve was the one who was deceived by the serpent. Here is an explanation from "Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible".
And Adam was not deceived,....  There is no need to say with interpreters, that he was not deceived first; and that he was not deceived immediately by the serpent, but by Eve; and that he is never said in Scripture to be deceived, as Melchizedek is never said to have a father or mother. The apostle's positive assertion is to be taken without any such limitations or qualifications;
Adam never was deceived at all; neither by the serpent, with whom he never conversed; nor by his wife, he knew what he did, when he took the fruit of her, and ate; he ate it not under any deception, or vain imagination, that they should not die, but should be as gods, knowing good and evil. He took and ate out of love to his wife, from a fond affection to her, to bear her company, and that she might not die alone; he knew what he did, and he knew what would be the consequence of it, the death of them both; and inasmuch as he sinned wilfully, and against light and knowledge, without any deception, his sin was the greater: and hereby death came in, and passed on all men, who sinned in him: but the woman being deceived was in the transgression: and the serpent really beguiled her; she owned it herself.
Adam decided to die along with his wife, this makes him the greater sinner.
The fall of mankind was initiated by the serpent's deception, followed by Eve who believed it, and finally by Adam who sacrificed his own life to share the same fate of his beloved wife.
This could be a symbol of God's love, who was ready to share our punishment for our sins, who gave His one and only Son, who died on the cross in our stead, bearing all our sins and suffered it's consequences even though He was without sin. Symbolically, Christians are the bride of Jesus Christ, who is also called the Last Adam. Adam gave his life for his wife Eve, and in the same manner, Jesus Christ gave his life for his bride, the Church. The only difference is, while Adam died with his wife but could not save her, Christ saved us through His death.



Friends are indeed a great factor that affects A man's life negatively or positively. The scripture quotes" do not be deceive, evil communications corrupts good manners". So if you a Man that want to go far in life, you should be be careful of the friends you keep because Friends are dream killers. talking about the world we are into today, everybody want to be great no matter it will talk them, so if your friends found out that you will be greater than them, they can make sure your dreams are crippled.


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