Friday, 28 October 2016

Ways On How To Invite A Friend To Your Church

Ways On How To Invite A Friend To Your Church

This thread might seem to be contradictory or perhaps very difficult to fathom. Inviting your friend to your church doesn’t seem to be easy and most times wouldn’t be possible too. In several churches today, there are different kinds of personalities in them (member); there are some persons we call fervent (Very serious believers) and the other, normal or average members (Church goers).

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Convincing a church goer to come to your is very simple and easy to get it done. This doesn’t require much work or talk or perhaps conviction. Whereas these people I call the fervent members are very difficult to convince and get them down to your church.

Now, on this content, I am gona teach you how to invite the both types to your church without stressing out yourself or even forcing them to do so. But rather, I will teach you not specified on one terms only, but will on several ways to do it legally and normal.

Also, church services help bring together people of a shared faith for worship as well as community-building activities. Some people invite friends and family members who are either practicing Christians from another church or Christians who have lapsed in their church attendance altogether. Others invite non-Christians to church in the hope that those invited might enjoy the experience and become practicing Christians.

Whomever you reach out to, it's important to be respectful and kind when you invite someone to join you at your church.
Here below are the means or ways on how to invite a friend to your church;

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The first step to inviting someone to your church is to identify individuals who would be open to attending services but do not currently go. This will most likely be someone you know who is a practicing Christian who attends services at another church, or someone who still identifies as a Christian but has stopped attending services. The easiest people to approach with an invitation will probably be: family members, friends, co-workers or classmates and your neighbours.


Before you actually approach someone about attending church, you may want to consider when would be an ideal occasion. Having a firm date in mind will make it easier to invite someone. Instead of a general open invitation, you can name a specific date and ask if that person is free to join you.

Many non-churchgoers prefer to attend church services on a Sunday morning. Weekdays (weekly activity) may be difficult, whereas Sundays are often a leisure day for most people who work Monday through Friday.

Printing an invitation will make your invitation look very concrete and tactile reminder to the program you are inviting them. This should come alongside with the relevant information like the date & time for the programme.


You can’t possibly get them to your church without reminding them regularly. And this in particular will be done through keeping in touch with them possibly by calling them, visiting them, texting them and lots more method. This will seriously help in achieving your goal.
Most times, with our lifestyle, we don’t necessarily need to invite them officially but rather with our lifestyle; people would want to come to your church. When we live a positive life, people will thirst and hunger to know the church you attend and would also want to attend also.
If you're inviting a non-Christian to church, it may be difficult to immediately win that individual over. She may have preconceived notions of what church is supposed to be like (which may be unappealing to her), or she may simply have no initial desire to be a part of a faith group. For this reason, it may be easier to invite a non-churchgoer incrementally by first inviting her to social functions and working your way up to mass.

Try socializing with the individual a little. Invite her to coffee or lunch, and show a sincere interest in whatever is going on in that person's life. Invite the individual to a church function. If your church has a donation drive, ask if she'd like to be a part of the effort. You might also try inviting the individual to a potluck dinner or a bingo event.

Work your way towards inviting the individual to an actual church service. Try using some special occasion for your invitation, like a holiday service, a mass with a children's choir, or a mass with some type of special music (like a folk choir). This can be a good icebreaker for attending church, as it shows the individual something fun and engaging while also welcoming that individual into the community.

Remember to respect the individual's choice. If she does not want to go, or if she goes and does not like church, that's okay. You can take comfort in the fact that you extended an invitation to a non-churchgoer, and you've been a good ambassador for your faith. Just be sure to continue to show that individual respect.

Anyone can be invited to church, but some people are easier to reach out to than others. The people closest to you are probably aware of your faith, and may even be curious about it. For this reason, you may want to think carefully about which people in your life are most likely to be open to attending church.

Family members are the most likely to know about your faith, and may have questions or a sincere desire to share in your weekly worship. Close friends are another good branching out point. You most likely have a close bond of intimacy and trust that can help you invite these individuals to share in your faith.
Neighbours may be ideal people to approach.
These individuals know and trust you. They also live in close proximity to you, which means they probably live in close proximity to your place of worship.
Co-workers and classmates are a big jump from family, friends, and neighbours. These individuals may not know you very well, which means you may have to work harder to gain their trust and recognize their needs for faith or community.

Strangers will be very difficult to invite to church. These individuals do not know you or have any kind of relationship with you. You may assume someone you meet is in need of faith or a spiritual community, but it can be hard to appeal to that person's needs if they don't already know you on some level.
This will I say, is the best way to bring people down to your church without stressing yourself. It is very good for every believer to move out for evangelism because its’ an avenue to reach out to souls and to win souls for Christ. Although, they might not necessarily come to your church; but what really matters here is that you have converted them to a particular church. Try moving out for evangelism and see how it works.

Having read this thread, I hope you’d realise the ways on how to invite people to your church. Was this article helpful? If yes, i would love to see your feedback through the comment box.

Commenting on this thread will really be appreciated too. Thanks.

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